Tracheostomy is a procedure performed in emergency situations or in people with severe illness. The main purpose of this procedure is to maintain the airway. But in addition to its benefits, this procedure also carries the risk of complications, during or after a tracheostomy. Tracheostomy is also known as stoma. Health problems that require this procedure are generally related to the respiratory tract. With the aim of making sufferers can breathe properly. This procedure is usually performed in medical emergencies or in certain diseases that cause airway obstruction or respiratory failure. This condition is a serious condition that can be life threatening if not treated immediately, therefore tracheostomy is done to keep the breathing process going well to support the continuity of life. Opening of the Throat Tracheostomy is the opening or making of a hole performed on the windpipe or trachea, through an incision in the skin in the front of the neck, with the help of general ane...
Not only for cooking, there are many benefits of olive oil for hair that is always healthy. Olive oil is one of the ingredients most often used as a hair care product. This oil, which is rich in fatty acids, beta carotene, vitamin E, and antioxidants, is believed to be able to relieve crusty or flaky scalp, moisturize the scalp, and stimulate optimal hair growth. In addition, olive oil can also maintain hair moisture, increase hair softness, and strengthen hair by penetrating the hair shaft. It is also olive oil that can smooth or flatten the cuticles or outer layer of hair to make hair look shiny. Still not enough? Check out the various benefits of olive oil for the following hair. Branched hair Olive oil is believed to help deal with split ends. The trick, simply apply the ends of damaged hair (about 5 cm) with olive oil. Dry hair Olive oil is very useful for dealing with dry hair that is stiff and difficult to manage. The trick, apply olive oil evenly to the scalp and each...